Football Bowl Week. Get Your Game On

For college football fans, the next ten days are nirvana. The Christmas and New Year holidays are right around the corner, but to serious fans, they pale in comparison to the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of Bowl Week. Culminating with the National Championship on January 7 at Levis® Stadium in Santa Clara, CA, the seemingly endless TV coverage enables fans to host or attend almost non-stop viewing parties.

The most popular and long-standing bowl games are named after the renowned agricultural products grown in a particular stadium’s region. This includes names like Cotton, Peach, Rose, Orange, etc. With the national championship occurring in northern California, we submit it should be known as the Cannabis Bowl. After all, some of the worlds best cannabis grows in northern California, so it is only fitting that we keep the naming tradition alive. Think of the sponsorship opportunities for cannabis farmers and brands in the region! Plus, it brings a whole new approach to pre-game tailgate parties in the stadium’s parking lot.


Cannabis and College Football Viewing Parties

If you’re hosting one or more viewing parties this year and your plans include cannabis, edibles area great way to go. Popcorn is a ubiquitous snack and can serve cannabis-infused versions. How about a Salted Carmel version from Cannabis Cheri Popcorn Balls from our friends at Magical Butter is another solid choice, and you might be able to shape them in the form of a football. For a variety of snack ideas visit Pinterest where you’ll find delicious delectables ranging from finger foods to deep-fried turkey recipes. You can also visit our edibles page to learn about our fantastic brand partners. Remember, if you serve edible cannabis for adults at your party, ensure that each guest knows exactly what they are ingesting. The general rule is to go low-dose and also provide non-cannabis or CBD-only food. Since alcohol is a given at a football party, remember, it increases cannabis intensity. You must also ensure that kids and pets cannot accidentally ingest any cannabis product. Be a responsible host and keep an eye on your guests.


Putting the Bowl in Bowl Week

At many adult parties, consuming cannabis by smoking bowls, joints, or vaping is not unusual, and we would be remiss in not discussing these options. Proper small-group etiquette is to offer people the option of smoking with you. If other adults are enjoying cannabis at the party and you go off to a corner, bathroom, or back porch and smoke without sharing, well, this is generally considered poor manners. Quite simply, if you pack a bowl, fill a vape, or light a joint, the golden rule is share and share alike.

What if you attend a college football viewing party where no one else is consuming cannabis? Is there a rule? What are the options? Emily Post most likely does not cover the proper etiquette for this situation. However, the first rule for any guest at any party is never upset the host. Edibles and vape pens are very discrete options without alerting anyone about your party secret. But if you’re going to light up, subtlety is essential. Check with the host or hostess before doing so as he or she may direct you outside or to a designated room or bathroom. The host may also request that you refrain entirely and we strongly recommend that guests honor that request. If children are present, caution is warranted, and you must respect this possibility. Remember, smoking (unlike vaping) produces the skunky odor that can permeate your clothes, so the skunk is out of the bag so to speak. If it’s not acceptable to the hosts or other guests, this may ostracize you from the party. You may even be asked to leave. Each gathering is different, so we suggest that you use common sense and respect the hosts and other guests. If this means not using cannabis at the party, then so be it.


High-Fives Takes on a Whole New Meaning

College football bowl games, the FBS Playoffs, and the National Championship provide amazing, fun, entertainment with friends and family. High-fiving strangers at a party or in a bar is not an uncommon experience. Different strains of cannabis can play a role in your experience, so choose wisely. In general, Sativa strains provide more energetic, euphoric feelings while Indica tends to be more relaxing. Enjoy the games and relish the opportunity to spend time with your friends and family during Bowl Week. If cannabis is part of your party plans, use it safely and legally, no matter if you’re yelling at the TV over a bad call or running circles around the couch and waving your arms after an incredible touchdown pass. Either way, it’s game on.


Who is your favorite college team? Can any team beat Alabama? Who might win it all this year? Share your comments with us!

Philip Rebentisch is a writer and the Content Editor for Three Wells.

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